Healthcare and Medical Applications
Healthcare and Medical Applications
Healthcare and Medical Applications

Healthcare and Medical Applications

Ticona, as a leading supplier of FDA Compliant engineering polymers, offers our customers a broad portfolio of USP Class VI resins that are excellent candidates for use in healthcare applications. Medical OEMs involved in such diverse areas as diagnostics, orthopedic implants, medical supplies and drug packaging and delivery can turn to our products for the solutions they need. Our high performance engineering plastics are certified to conform to specific property and quality standards, and to comply with applicable regulatory requirements. These are complemented with comprehensive Ticona services such as design assistance, analytical testing, finite element modeling and mold flow analysis.

Wide portfolio for innovative solutions

Ticona's product families available for use in medical technology include:

  • Celcon® MT™ and Hostaform® MT™ acetal copolymer (POM)
  • Celanex® MT™ thermoplastic polyester (PBT)
  • Fortron® MT™ 9000 series polyphenylene sulfide (PPS)
  • GUR® and GHR® ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE)
  • Topas® cyclic olefin copolymer (COC)
  • Vectra® MT™ liquid crystal polymer (LCP)

Approval criteria

All of the Ticona’s polymers in these families have the necessary compliances (Food and Drug Administration, European Union, BgVV*). In addition, Drug and Device Master Files have been established at the US FDA. To make product qualification as easy as possible for our customers, our Product Safety Department assists our customers obtain regulatory compliance.

Drug Delivery Systems

Ticona polymers are helping those who develop pharmaceutical packaging perform value added tasks like the exclusion of moisture and more patient-friendly drug delivery. Ticona’s products are used in many drug delivery applications including blister packs for tablets and capsules, dry powder and aerosol inhalers, prefillable syringes, pen and needle-free injectors.

Orthopedic Implants and Ortheses

GUR® UHMW-PE is the preferred polymer material for the articulated bearing surfaces in artificial hip, knee and shoulder joints. This high purity material complies with standards ASTM F648 and ISO 5834-1/-2. GHR® HMW-PE is used in prosthetic applications including artificial limbs. These materials offer exceptionally high impact strength and very low wear, as well as excellent energy absorption, good slip, and excellent resistance to stress cracking.

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