Automotive Markets
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Automotive Markets

Automotive Markets

The revolution in automotive performance and manufacturing has made the outstanding capabilities of high-performance thermoplastics more mission-critical than ever. Ticona's lightweight, durable materials are streamlining manufacturing processes and improving performance in even the toughest automotive environments. Ticona products are replacing metal and other plastics in many components of the automobile, including the following areas:

Fuel Systems - Static Dissipation Issues Static charges are generated when dissimilar materials slide on each other. The same thing can happen when gasoline or diesel fuel flows through a fuel system. Find out how Ticona's Static-Dissipating Champion-Celcon® CF802 acetal copolymer-solves this highly charged problem.

Interior Systems - Low Gloss To solve the problem of unsightly, interior controls, manufacturers have tried a myriad of remedies. Find out how Ticona came to the rescue with an innovative, new solution called Celcon® UV 140LG low-gloss acetal copolymer.

Interior Systems - Laser Marking The aesthetics of functional and decorative components can often be found in the details. But if the detail isn't sharp the design can't be appreciated. Find out how to make an indelible mark by combining laser marking with various grades of Ticona products , to clear up your problem.

Fuel Systems - Fuel Rails for Automotive Engines Fuel rails, the piping system that delivers fuel to the injectors to get a car started, have traditionally been manufactured in metal. To decrease weight, production time and cost, Ticona has developed a Fortron® PPS resin that is an excellent candidate for applications such as this.

Engine Cooling - Truck Charge-Air Cooler Tank Fortron® 1140L4 PPS replaced die-cast aluminum for the inlet charge-air cooler (CAC) tanks used on medium-duty diesel trucks. This polymer yields an accurate part with little flash and a good surface finish, so the tank needs no secondary processing after injection molding. In addition, Fortron PPS holds its dimensions well after processing. This property, when combined with the design of the tool, enables the part to meet strict tolerance requirements. These include flatness of 1 mm or less across the foot of the part, so the tank mates well with the joint formed with the header and its O-ring

The switch to plastic greatly reduced the labor needed to assemble the intercooler by allowing the manufacturer to adopt automatic crimping. Aluminum CAC tanks, by contrast, must be manually fixtured and hand-welded to the aluminum headers.

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